Some days my SuperWoman Cape gets tattered and torn, and I don't have time to mend it.
Some days I am Wonderwoman and can take on anything life throws at me.
Some days I sleep with a pink fuzzy owl named Who or a pink plaid porcupine named What.
Some days I am filled with enough courage to face monsters in real life as well as dreams solo.
Some days there is not enough coffee in the world.
Some days I am filled with a need, a drive to live, to do, to be, to create, to capture the moment.
Some days I laugh until my ribs hurt and I can't catch my breath.
Some days I invent new and creative combinations of swear words.
Some days I blast my iPod and get lost in the movement and the freedom of the music.
Some days I can not concentrate long enough to read a few pages of a book.
Some days I pour my heart out on a page in poetry, my soul in ink.
Some days I am a tight knot of emotions I can not manage to untangle or untie.
Some days I use humor to alleviate the discomfort of those around me.
Some days I use humor to cut at the stereotypes and ignorance of those around me.
Some days I am close to content, to making peace.
Some days I rage at God, I am angry with the world, I am bitter and broken.
Some days I am able to laugh at the ignorance of the population.
Some days I am tired of having to educate an entire society.
Some days I am tired of being seen as a wheelchair first and a person second.
Some days I want to try and fail rather than never try at all.
Some days I love to watch the sun pull down nights curtain and the stars emerge.
Some days I am just waiting for another chance tomorrow.
Some days I want to discover that I have wings and take flight above this mess of life.
Some days I am afraid of failing, of falling, of believing in an illusion.
Some days I see a whole and strong person when I catch my reflection in the mirror.
Some days I see nothing but damaged goods and failures in the same reflection.
Some days I stand before Jesus with my arms open wide, praising Him and rejoicing.
Some days I crawl upon my knees before him barely able to choke out a prayer.
Yet every day I am blessed, I am wealthy beyond measure, I am thankful for the abundance
Every day I wake to a new sunrise, a new hope, to faith and to the promise of a day.
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