One of These Things Is Not Like The Others
I received this award from Lynn at Autism Army Mom.
Here are the rules for this meme (apologies for the original award but I changed some of the language to make it appropriate for my journal):
1. You must proudly display the absolutely disgusting graphic that I have created for these purposes. It's so bad that not only did I use COMIC SANS, but there's even a little freaking jumping, celebrating kitten down there at the bottom.It's horrifying! But its presence in your award celebration is crucial to the memetastic process we're creating here.
2. You must list 5 things about yourself, and 4 of them must be bold-faced lies. Just make some crap up, we'll never know; one of them has to be true, though. Of course, nobody will ever know the difference, so we're just on the honor system here. I trust you. Except for the 4 that you lied about.!
3. You must pass this award on to 5 bloggers that you either like or don't like or don't really have much of an opinion about. I don't care who you pick, and nobody needs to know why. I mean, you can give a reason if you want, but I don't really care.
4. If you fail to follow any of the above rules, I will hunt youdown and harass you incessantly until you either block me on Twitter or ban my IP address from visiting your blog. I don't know if you can actually do that last thing, but I will become so annoying to you that you will actually go out and hire an IT professional to train you on how to ban IP addresses just so that I'll leave you alone. I'm serious. I'm going to do these things.
**NEW** 5. This one isn't actually a rule, but once you do the above, please link up to the Memetastic Hop so that I can keep track of where this thing goes.
My 4 lies and 1 truth:
1) I am a member of a secret society. Now I must kill you for knowing.
2) I fell while walking across the stage at my college graduation, showing everyone my underwear.
3) I legally drank before turning 21.
4) I have a tattoo above my buttocks that says "Made in China".
5) I once made my niece clean the bathroom floor with her toothbrush.
I pass this award on to anyone who wishes to participate.
January 25, 2011 at 10:13 PM
You are a mean aunt! Cuz I'm totally believing that one. I'm going with the butt-up at graduation one.
January 25, 2011 at 11:08 PM
Don't apologize for changing the language!!! EEEEEVERYbody changed the language :)
January 26, 2011 at 11:35 PM
I'll put my poker chips on 5).
My reasoning.
1) Am I dead? nope.
2) I smile. nope.
3) Very plausible. This is toooo easy.
4) Sarcasm. Niiii-Nope.
5) Excellent discipline. Maybe.
When can I cash in my chips?
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