Learning to cook!
My culinary skills have primarily consisted of the following: operating the microwave, stirring contents of a pre-packaged meal in a pot on the stove (i.e., macaroni and cheese, soup, cooking noodles, instant rice, etc.), scrambled eggs, grilled cheese, and dialing a telephone. I supplemented this with no-cook foods like salad, sandwiches, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables and I survived through college and living on my own in Virginia. However, after having gone through an extended period of time when eating was basically impossible and I had the privilege of sampling the range of Gerber baby foods in Stages 1 and 2, I want to cook and savor foods. I also will never, ever again in my life eat mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese (it made me so violently sick), applesauce, cream of anything soup, or anything pureed. I want to enjoy healthy meals and savor the tastes and foods I never thought I would be able to eat again when I was struggling to eat 1/4 cup of pureed mashed potatoes thinned with chicken broth. Thus, I have decided to learn to cook. My first successes unfortunately did not have the opportunity to pose for a photo-shoot. They were a sweet apple sauerkraut, an apple and beet salad, and sesame chicken. It all turned out delicious and there was no need for the fire extinguisher! Pictured above is last night's success, Italian Baked Tomatoes. They have a drizzle of olive oil, seasoned sea salt, oregano, pepper, garlic, and fresh grated Parmesan cheese. The garnish is Basil leaves (which is in the seasoned salt) for aroma and a touch of flavor. It was a wonderful meal, and easy to make!! It may take me longer than most other people, and I may have to make accommodations (like sitting down to do most of the cooking) but the results are just as amazing, if not more so for the extra effort! My next planned meal will be an eggplant and tomato augratin. Also, a huge bonus - I purchased all fresh ingredients for 6 meals this week for $80, which would have been $40 or less had I not needed to buy a stockpile of spices. It is even less expensive than the other meals!! Bonus! And I savor any new independence I can claim!!
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