Apparently I am getting old. Yes, at almost twenty-eight years of age (and still not consistently passing for twenty-one) I am now having to translate my normal speech for teenagers. I was wedged into a corner of the most inaccessible, cramped and crowded store at the mall where I was trading in games for my Nintendo DS when two tween boys began to enthusiastically play the display model of the Wii that was about two inches from my rear tire. I felt like I was ring side at a boxing match, only a little too ring side as I ducked and dodged the Wii-mote flailing about my head. Finally I had my trades in hand and attempted to maneuver out of the corner.
Me: "Excuse me, please"
Boys: glance at me, then return to playing
Me: "Excuse me, Please!"
Boys: do not even acknowledge my presence
Me: Translating into Teenage language "I will run you over if you don't move"
Boys: rapidly move aside and allow me to navigate through
Apparently something was lost when I spoke polite adult English that became perfectly clear when I brought it down to a simple statement of the facts. They may not understand manners, but they do understand cause and effect - you move, you keep your toes; you don't move, I give you a one of a kind pedicure free of charge. Just like I had to helpfully explain to the teenager behind me in line that I could not move away from the counter unless they backed up and gave me space because my wheelchair has yet to get all go-go-gadget and fly, and the only way out was backwards. Apparently in his quest to own that video game immediately, this logic had escaped him. I was patient and gave him time to figure it out before pointing out that he could pay for his game if he would move for just a moment so I could backup. It was like watching a moment of revelation as this logic processed through his brain. I then made my way to Target to pick up a prescription (which they screwed up - I pity the pharmacist on duty when I go back tomorrow; this anger stage of dealing isn't pretty but I have checked off all of the others) and buy a new charger for my iPod because the other one had a loose wire. I also happened to end up with a new skirt, short sleeve cardigan, tank top, and hat. Go figure!! That translates into I may be stuck in this wheelchair, but I am going to have style and demand that the world see me and not just the chair. :)
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