My Broom is Parked Out Back
So in small print on the medical information for the Keppra that I have been diligently consuming twice a day for a week now, there is a mention that it has the potential to cause extreme mood swings. Thank God, I can cancel the exorcism I had scheduled for Sunday evening! That info needs to be printed in size 16 font on the medication bottle, only worded differently: "Medication will likely create a raging bi*$% who makes PMS look like a delightful evening of family fun". I fully admit to having the temper that matches my naturally red hair, but it rarely shows itself except in direction towards mechanical equipment (my car is named Belle or useless piece of SH*% depending on how it behaves, for example). This week? My poor mom has been ducking and dodging sarcasm bombs and walking through a mine field every time she came within 10 feet of me. I thought it was a combination of my sleep schedule being messed up, increased pain, and total frustration. Then I read the fine print and learned that for Keppra, I am actually rather charming! I have not acted aggressively or attempted to harm myself, which apparently earns me bonus points. And doesn't it make perfect sense for a medication used to treat neurological conditions to screw with your ability to cope? Since I still have a full morning dose in my system, I am taking my broomstick to the mall to pick up my new medications and may the Lord protect anyone who accidentally triggers one of those mines!
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