I decided that, ancient computer usage or not, I wanted to post this. It is a double top ten list that really helps me, at least, put into perspective that even though it feels like I have lost so much to this illness I have also gained so much as well. In the end, my life has never been an easy path but I would not go back and erase a single step because every obstacle and every victory has defined who I am. Not that I did not/do not have times when I think it absolutely sucks because Pollyanna would never last a day in real life, but in the end if anything were subtracted or added I would not be me. And this is me - Take Me as I Am :)
Top Ten Things Lost:
10. Dignity
9. Friendships
8. Security
7. Financial Stability (I owe more than I will make in a year)
6. Trust
5. Joys - Hiking, Exploring Historic areas and museums, Photography
4. Music- Last concert I was able to attend was when I was 18; extreme noise, extreme temperatures, flashing lights, crowds all trigger an autonomic crisis; even attending a movie at a movie theater has about 50/50 odds of triggering a crisis
3. My Beloved occupation as a special education teacher
2. The entire life I had created for myself
1. My independence
Top Ten Things Gained
10. Self Respect
9. Knowledge on how best to advocate for myself and to refuse to be bullied by a white coat
8. Vast self understanding and appreciation
7. The knowledge of what true friendship really is, and what a rare blessing it is to experience it
6. Discovering just how incredibly loved I truly am
5. Losing all fear - I am confident in who I am, willing to put it out there, and if I fail then I get back up and try again because I have that opportunity
4. New Joys- Before this I would never even attempt anything in the visual arts, now I love exploring and do not criticize because I am doing it for the experience (although my skill level somehow greatly increased after getting sick); audiobooks for days when I have little energy; an even greater appreciation of music
3. A renewed appreciation for living in the moment and gratitude for the miracle of being alive
2. Insight into the experiences of my kids and what is asked of them on a daily basis, and just how amazing they truly are
1. Renewed Faith
Now I may hold a spontaneous pity party tomorrow, but I can guarantee it will not last long (those things are poorly attended and get pretty lonely pretty quickly, plus the atmosphere at those is so dreary). In the end, my life is not in my hands - I did not write my genetic code, I did not form the parts of my brain that can not coordinate properly, no more than a healthy person programmed their own genetics or shaped healthy organs. I am just living with the gifts I am given, accepting the challenges (I love a good challenge, a good dare), and discovering amazing beauty along the detours of life.
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